Senate 2008 Guru: Following the Races
Keeping a close eye on developments in the 2008 U.S. Senate races
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Democratic Party Links
- Democratic National Committee
- Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
- Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic Senatorial Incumbents and Candidates
- Alabama:
State Senator Vivian Figures - Alaska:
Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich (considering) - Arkansas:
Senator Mark Pryor - Colorado:
Congressman Mark Udall - Delaware:
Senator Joe Biden - Georgia:
Veteran & former Senate aide Josh Lanier
Ecologist Dr. Rand Knight
Journalist Dale Cardwell
Former State Rep. Maggie Martinez - Idaho:
Former Congressman Larry LaRocco - Illinois:
Senator Richard Durbin - Iowa:
Senator Tom Harkin - Kansas:
Former Senate nominee Lee Jones - Kentucky:
Businessman Greg Fischer
Former state Commerce Secretary Bruce Lunsford
Dr. Michael Cassaro - Louisiana:
Senator Mary Landrieu - Maine:
Congressman Tom Allen - Massachusetts:
Senator John Kerry - Michigan:
Senator Carl Levin - Minnesota:
Commentator Al Franken
Attorney Mike Ciresi
Professor Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
Former Minneapolis Alderman Dick Franson - Mississippi-A:
Former State Representative Erik Fleming
Perennial candidate Shawn O'Hara - Mississippi-B:
Former Governor Ronnie Musgrove - Montana:
Senator Max Baucus - Nebraska:
Businessman Tony Raimondo
Veteran Larry Marvin
2006 Congressional Nominee Scott Kleeb (considering) - New Hampshire:
Former Governor Jeanne Shaheen - New Jersey:
Senator Frank Lautenberg - New Mexico:
Congressman Tom Udall - North Carolina:
State Senator Kay Hagan
Businessman Jim Neal
Veteran John Ross Hendrix
Businessman Duskin Lassiter
State Board of Education Chair Howard Lee (considering) - Oklahoma:
State Senator Andrew Rice - Oregon:
House Speaker Jeff Merkley
Activist Steve Novick
Real estate broker Candy Neville - Rhode Island:
Senator Jack Reed - South Carolina:
Attorney Michael Cone
Attorney Tom Turnipseed (considering) - South Dakota:
Senator Tim Johnson - Tennessee:
Businessman Kenneth Eaton
Former Knox County Clerk Mike Padgett
Activist Chris Lugo
Former TN-Dems Chair Bob Tuke (considering) - Texas:
State Representative Rick Noriega - Virginia:
Former Governor Mark Warner - West Virginia:
Senator Jay Rockefeller - Wyoming-A: unknown
- Wyoming-B:
Attorney Nick Carter (considering)
Republican Incumbent Primary Challengers
- Alaska:
Businessman David Cuddy
Former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman (considering)
Former state Senate President Mike Miller (considering) - Idaho:
Rancher Rex Rammell
Iraq veteran Scott Syme
Former Caldwell City Councilman Kent Marmon
Businessman Richard Phenneger
Machinist Brian Hefner
Attorney Fred Adams
Former Boise Mayoral candidate Harley Brown
Neal Thompson
Canyon County Commissioner Robert Vasquez (ceased campaign) - Kentucky:
Daniel Essek
1995 GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Larry Forgy (draft effort) - Minnesota:
Former Senator Rod Grams (considering) - Oregon:
1998 GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Bill Sizemore (considering) - South Carolina:
Former Myrtle Beach Mayor Mark McBride
RNC Member Buddy Witherspoon
Air Force veteran John Cina
Computer specialist Tim Carnes
Former Rep. Tommy Hartnett (considering)
State Representative Jeff Duncan (considering) - Texas:
2006 Gubernatorial candidate Larry Kilgore - Wyoming (Barrasso):
Former U.S. Attorney Matt Mead (considering)
Retirements, Resignations, and Passings
- Wayne Allard (R-CO): Announced retirement, 1/15/07
- Craig Thomas (R-WY): Passed away, 6/4/07
- John Warner (R-VA): Announced retirement, 8/31/07
- Chuck Hagel (R-NE): Announced retirement, 9/10/07
- Larry Craig (R-ID): Announced retirement (we think), 10/4/07
- Pete Domenici (R-NM): Announced retirement, 10/4/07
- Trent Lott (R-MS): Announced impending resignation, 11/26/07
- Roadblock Republicans
- DSCC's YouTube Page
- Rothenberg Political Report 2008 Senate Ratings (2/22/08)
- Cook Political Report Senate Race Ratings - PDF (1/17/08)
- CQPolitics Balance of Power Scorecard (8/15/07)
- Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball: Senate '08 Update (7/19/07)
- National Journal 2008 Senate Race Rankings (2/12/07)
- Survey USA Senator Approval Ratings (11/22/06)
- 2008 Senate Race Tracker Wiki
- 2008 Senate Elections Wikipedia Page
- U.S. Senate Seat-Holders Chart, 1978-present
- Project Vote Smart
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Senator Chuck Schumer's Positively American
- Americans United for Change
- Empowering Veterans
- Vote Vets
- The Hill
National Blog Roll
- All Spin Zone
- All Things Democrat
- AmericaBlog
- Atrios
- Blue Sunbelt
- Bob Geiger
- Booman Tribune
- Campaign Diaries
- The Carpetbagger Report
- Cliff Schecter
- CQPolitics
- Crooks and Liars
- Daily Kos
- Daily Left
- The Democratic Daily
- Digby
- Election Day 2008
- An Enduring Democratic Majority
- Firedoglake
- The Fix (Washington Post)
- From the Roots (DSCC Blog)
- The Gavel (Speaker Pelosi)
- The Group News Blog
- Gun Toting Liberal
- Hotline Blogometer
- Hotline On Call
- The Huffington Post
- Kicking Ass (DNC Blog)
- Left in the West
- Liberal Values
- MaxSpeak
- MyDD
- The Next Hurrah
- NJDC Blog
- Open Left
- Political Wire
- Politics1
- Progressive Blog Digest
- Rising Hegemon
- Rocky Mountain Report
- The Rothenberg Political Report
- Scholars & Rogues
- The Stakeholder (DCCC Blog)
- Swing State Project
- Talking Points Memo
- Think Progress
- VetVoice
- Wonkette
State Blog Roll
- 43rd State Blues (ID)
- Alaska Pride (AK)
- Badlands Blue (SD)
- Birmingham Blues (AL)
- Bleeding Heartland (IA)
- Bluegrass Report (KY)
- BlueGrass Roots (KY)
- Blue Hampshire (NH)
- Blue Jersey (NJ)
- Blue Mass Group (MA)
- Blue NC (NC)
- Blue Oklahoma (OK)
- Blue Oregon (OR)
- Blue Tide Rising (KS)
- The Bridge (KY)
- Burnt Orange Report (TX)
- Capitol Annex (TX)
- Colorado Confidential (CO)
- Colorado Pols (CO)
- Cotton Mouth (MS)
- Daily Delaware (DE)
- Daily Kingfish (LA)
- Democracy for New Mexico (NM)
- Doc's Political Parlor (AL)
- Heath Haussamen (NM)
- Iowa Progress (IA)
- Joe Monahan (NM)
- KnoxViews (TN)
- Left in Alabama (AL)
- Loaded Orygun (OR)
- Michigan Liberal (MI)
- Minnesota Campaign Report (MN)
- MN Blue (MN)
- MN Publius (MN)
- The MountainGoat Report (ID)
- New Mexico FBIHOP (NM)
- New Nebraska Network (NE)
- North Texas Liberal (TX)
- Not Larry Sabato (VA)
- Prarie State Blue (IL)
- Public Policy Polling (NC)
- Raising Kaine (VA)
- Red State Rebels (ID)
- Rhode Island's Future (RI)
- South Dakota Progressive (SD)
- Square State (CO)
- TennViews (TN)
- Texas Kaos (TX)
- Tondee's Tavern (GA)
- Turn Maine Blue (ME)
- UNO Dems (NE)
- West Virginia Blue (WV)
- Witigonen (OR)
Candidate-Specific Blogs & Sites
Cheering Them On- Blue Sparks in Alabama (AL)
- Draft Horne (1) (KY)
- Draft Horne (2) (KY)
- Draft Brad Miller (NC)
- Draft Crit (KY)
- Draft DeFazio (OR)
- Draft Governor Henry (OK)
- Draft Owen (KY)
- Draft Rick Noriega (TX)
- Draft Scott Kleeb (NE)
- Draft Shaheen (NH)
- Draft Tom Udall (NM)
- NoriegaBlog (Unofficial) (TX)
- Run Andrew Run (OK)
- Stumbo 4 Senate (Unofficial) (KY)
- Tom Allen for Senate (Unofficial) (ME)
- We Want Mike Moore (MS)
- We Want Wyc (GA)
- Bob Schaffer on the Issues (CO)
- Collins Watch (ME)
- Defeat Lindsey Graham (SC)
- Ditch Mitch KY (KY)
- Dump (SC)
- Dump Lindsey Graham (SC)
- No Hagel (NE)
- Norm Coleman Weasel Meter (MN)
- The Real Wicker (MS)
- Retire Ted (AK)
- Sack Sessions (AL)
- Shifty Schaffer (CO)
- Stop Cornyn (TX)
- Stop Gordon Smith (OR)
- Stop Sununu (NH)
- Sununu Hampshire (NH)
- Toast Graham! (SC)
- Tom Davis Truth (VA)
- What's McConnell Hiding? (KY)
Note: This is a privately run blog, not connected to any political campaign, candidate, committee or organization.
Contact the Senate 2008 Guru at senate2008guru at yahoo dot com.
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children."
-Native American proverb
Cost of the War in Iraq
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The National Debt: |
YouTube Video Library
Republican Scandals of 2007
On Republican Obstructionism-
NE-Sen: Mike Johanns is a Quitter
MT-Sen: Mike Lange's Obscene Tirade
KY-Sen: DSCC on Mitch McConnell and Iraq
ME-Sen: Americans United for Change on Susan Collins and Iraq
NH-Sen: Americans United for Change on John Sununu and Iraq
MN-Sen: The Difference Between Norm Coleman & Al Franken
VA-Sen: Mark Warner Announces
The Hall of Fame YouTube Political Video: George Allen and "Macaca"

Friday, August 31, 2007
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